Every girl faces the same dilemma when taken out to dinner. Where in the heck am I going to put my handbag? If you value your precious couture at all you won’t dare put it on the floor but if you put in the table it causes you to duck and weave to make eye contact with your date. As big as handbags are getting today you’ll never be able to create chemistry with your Big Buddha bag trying to steal all the attention. So what’s the solution? Hold it or get yourself a purse pal. As ridiculous as this sounds the new handbag hanger is quite clever and will solve all your dinning problems. This small and affordable device comes in 6 designs and will definitely keep your Anna Tote bag from getting in the way of a romantic evening.
Last week I received my very first PursePal in the mail. When I pulled out the gold plated Pink Ribbon hanger I have to say I began to doubt whether it would hold my oversized bag and all its contents. The pal was so adorable and I felt nervous as I placed it on my desk. I was rooting for it to work. I hooked my handbag on the hook and ta da! It worked. I just thought it was the coolest thing ever. Now I always carry my purse-pal with me and it has been my savior at 2 dinners already.
If you would like a pal of your own please visit http://www.purse-pal.com to get one of your own. The Pink Ribbon PursePal benefits Breast Cancer. Five dollars of every purchase goes towards research.
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