Nicole Richie (photo source)
Britney Spears
Ashlee Simpson
One of the most fun aspects of celebrity style could possibly be their frequent style reinventions. Since the queen bee of reinvention, the one and only Madonna herself, seems to have given up her post as "most frequent style-changer," we would like to feature a few other celebs with ever evolving styles:
1) Nicole Richie: Richie did her change from light locks to dark in a very classy way; she went with a reddish hue for a while before going directly to a chocolate brown. The darker hair gives her a more polished look, and rumor has it that she no longer works with stylist Rachel Zoe.
2) Britney Spears: Brit Brit is almost back to her old self after dropping the baby weight (and that pesky ex-husband dead weight...). While we liked her short, natural bob better than the extensions she's currently rocking, we've got to give her props for ditching the Matt Lauer interview cut off shorts and investing in some flattering grown up frocks.
3) Ashlee Simpson: The once Hot Topic-clad pop-rocker chic is looking more polished than ever, and dare we say, maybe a little classier and more fashionable than big sis Jess? Despite the unnecessary nose job, we are lovin' Ash's new look.
But the fashionista with the most new style changes award goes to....
Gwen Stefani
While Gwen is undoubtedly lookin' hot post-baby, dare we ask what is up with the wig/glasses/assymetrical cut dress? Gwen is by far the biggest style reinventor of our time, and is possibly the only woman alive who can work this look (or pink hair for that matter!) Whether its 50's glam meets rockabilly, ghetto fab or 70's retro-futuristic, Gwen can pull off any look.
Which celeb is best at reinventing styles in your book? What about the ones we listed above? Sound off!
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Nicole Richie Britney Spears Ashlee Simpson Gwen Stefani celebrity style fashion blog fashion expert
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