The nitty gritty on the first Bloggers Who Brunch meeting:
* WHEN: Thursday, July 20th, 2006, 12-2 pm
* WHERE: Counter Vegetarian Restaurant and Organic Wine & Martini Bar, downtown NYC at 105 First Avenue (between 6th & 7th)
* WHAT: Scrumptious buffet-style vegetarian spread, a special pink Fashion Blogger cocktail by Bacardi, speakers & of course, networking
* WHO: Organized by Lesley Scott, Fashiontribes.com & Pamela Pekerman, Bagtrends.com.
* SPEAKERS: Meghan Cleary, Miss Meghan & author of The Perfect Fit; Constance White, Style Director for eBay.com on the challenges of blogging; Kathryn Finney, The Budget Fashionista & author of How to Be a Budget Fashionista on using your blog to promote yourself & thoughts on landing a book deal; Najwa Moses, host of the weekly videopodcast The In List on Styleaholics.com about cutting edge videopodcasting opportunities available to bloggers; and Samir Arora, CEO of Glam.com - beautifully summing up the incredible democratic publishing revolution underway online.
* OUR GENEROUS SPONSORS: Huge, huge thanks to Glam.com - our official sponsor for this event! (We heart Glam!), as well as Bust Magazine, Bourjois, & Bacardi - creators of the official tasty beverage of Bloggers Who Brunch, the pretty-in-pink Fashion Blogger, and providers of uber-bartender Joey Riela.
* & A HUGE SHOUT OUT TO: Jessica Carp & Jenn Spivak, Fashiontribes super-interns who magically got everything organized & off the ground.
To find out more about this event visit